
City of Mesa – See How Safety and Compassion Can Coexist

Voss Speros and I were talking the other day about this occupancy issue in City of Mesa Assisted Living. For those of you who aren’t aware, Mesa has wholly adopted IBC code that requires I-2 occupancy construction for 10 bed ALs to obtain direct care Arizona DHS licensing and retain residents who are incapable of […]

Arizona Assisted Living Advocacy: Who’s in the room?

I am writing this on the supposed final day of authority for the NCIA board as a regulatory body for assisted living managers and assisted living training for Arizona. Media has reported that this responsibility will be transferred to Arizona DHS. Yet, the AZ DHS Residential website, thus far, looks like business as usual with […]

The Nurse Owned Care Home

I’m going to try to write this article carefully. Very carefully. First, let me say I love our nurses and get super excited when I am able to help one start their journey in residential assisted living. Remember this, ok? Now, let me explain what led me to write this. A Facebook group member posted […]

Residential Assisted Living: A Perfect Storm on the Horizon?

Over the 10 years that I have been in residential assisted living, its been true that the majority of assisted living home owners and managers in Arizona are operating their businesses with a dedication to quality care and regulatory compliance. But my fear is that we now may have a perfect storm brewing that may […]